
  • 1 - 1.1词汇:as well .pdf
  • 2 - 1.2语法:形容词的比较级和最高级(一).pdf
  • 3 - 1.3课文:It’s smaller than the blue one. .pdf
  • 4 - 1.4句型练习:比较级和最高级(一).pdf
  • 5 - 2.1词汇:little-less-least .pdf
  • 6 - 2.2课文:That’s a good idea! .pdf
  • 7 - 2.3句型练习:比较级和最高级(二) .pdf
  • 8 - 3.1词汇:model .pdf
  • 9 - 3.2语法:形容词的比较级和最高级(二) .pdf
  • 10 - 3.3课文:We can’t afford it. .pdf
  • 11 - 3.4句型练习:比较级和最高级(三) .pdf
  • 12 - 4.1词汇:neither .pdf
  • 13 - 4.2词汇:none .pdf
  • 14 - 4.3课文:I’ve got no small change. .pdf
  • 15 - 4.4句型练习:否定回答 .pdf
  • 16 - 5.1词汇:knock .pdf
  • 17 - 5.2语法:不定代词 .pdf
  • 18 - 5.3课文:Isn’t there anyone at home .pdf
  • 19 - 5.4句型练习:复合不定代词 .pdf
  • 20 - 6.1词汇:later .pdf
  • 21 - 6.2语法:过去进行时 .pdf
  • 22 - 6.3课文:过去进行时 .pdf
  • 23 - 6.4句型练习:What were you doing .pdf
  • 24 - 7.1词汇:story .pdf
  • 25 - 7.2课文:What’s up.pdf
  • 26 - 7.3句型练习:It had already happened. .pdf
  • 27 - 7.4句型练习:It was too late. She had already... .pdf
  • 28 - 8.1词汇:customer .pdf
  • 29 - 8.2语法:定语从句(一) .pdf
  • 30 - 8.3语法:定语从句(二) .pdf
  • 31 - 8.4语法:定语从句(三) .pdf
  • 32 - 8.5语法:定语从句(四) .pdf
  • 33 - 8.6课文:the man who is in a hat .pdf
  • 34 - 8.7句型练习:定语从句 .pdf
  • 35 - 9.1词汇:during .pdf
  • 36 - 9.2课文:That’s the ship we travelled on. .pdf
  • 37 - 9.3句型练习:She’s the girl I met yesterday. .pdf
  • 38 - 11.1词汇:actor & actress .pdf
  • 39 - 11.2课文:It must be Karen Marsh. .pdf
  • 40 - 11.3句型练习:He must be or he can’t be… .pdf
  • 41 - 12.1词汇:mile .pdf
  • 42 - 12.2词汇:driving licence .pdf
  • 43 - 12.3课文:I must have been dreaming. .pdf
  • 44 - 12.4句型练习:情态动词表示“推测” .pdf
  • 45 - 13.1词汇:abroad .pdf
  • 46 - 13.2课文:We may go abroad. .pdf
  • 47 - 13.3句型练习:He may be He may have been I’m not sure. .pdf
  • 48 - 14.1词汇:sensational .pdf
  • 49 - 14.2课文:make a new film .pdf
  • 50 - 14.3句型练习:He said (that) he… He told me (that) … .pdf
  • 51 - 15.1词汇:future .pdf
  • 52 - 15.2课文:We’re going to get married. .pdf
  • 53 - 15.3句型练习:间接引语中的情态动词 .pdf
  • 54 - 16.1词汇:depend .pdf
  • 55 - 16.2语法:if 引导的条件状语从句 .pdf
  • 56 - 16.3课文:If we win a lot of money .pdf
  • 57 - 16.4句型练习:if引导的条件状语从句 .pdf
  • 58 - 17.1词汇:extra .pdf
  • 59 - 17.2课文:Yes, speaking. .pdf
  • 60 - 17.3句型练习:He wants to know… .pdf
  • 61 - 18.1词汇:excited .pdf
  • 62 - 18.2词汇:get on .pdf
  • 63 - 18.3课文:I decided to take her by train. .pdf
  • 64 - 18.4课文:to make myself beautiful .pdf
  • 65 - 18.5句型练习:被动语态 .pdf
  • 66 - 19.1词汇:surround .pdf
  • 67 - 19.2词汇:throw .pdf
  • 68 - 19.3课文:a famous beauty spot.pdf
  • 69 - 19.4句型练习:被动语态(二) .pdf
  • 70 - 20.1level4知识点总结.pdf